Region Cage

Region Cage

  • 开发者ESRI ArcGISonline
  • 起始要素面Polygon
  • 测试状态未测试
  • 文件格式RPK(CGA OR CGB)
  • 使用条款The rule of the week is a way for Esri to share the research and demonstration work it does with Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) over the course a year with you. As such, these rules are provided as is, with no guarantees, and are used at your own risk. We will not be updating them over time, and they serve primarily as examples of what can be done with CGA.
  • 最近更新2022年07月08日

This rule creates a 3D cage around the outer edge of a shape or polygon. The cage has a maximum height, and is subdivided vertically a specified number of times. You can label the vertical lines with their height, or with their order from the ground. You can customize the color, thickness, and transparency of the cage’s elements. You can add a title to the cage, such as parcel number or project name. It’s meant to applied to something roughly the size of a district or neighborhood.

You can see a video of it in action here:
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3D Utilities
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Parcel Cage


Apply Color
