Elevated Guideway, SCAD Variant

Elevated Guideway, SCAD Variant

  • 开发者ESRI ArcGISonline
  • 起始要素面Polygon
  • 测试状态未测试
  • 文件格式RPK(CGA OR CGB)
  • 使用条款The rule of the week is a way for Esri to share the research and demonstration work it does with Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) over the course a year with you. As such, these rules are provided as is, with no guarantees, and are used at your own risk. We will not be updating them over time, and they serve primarily as examples of what can be done with CGA.
  • 最近更新2022年07月08日

This rule create an rail guideway, with retaining walls on both sides. The rail lines are underneath for a suspended car system. The top is covered with a green space for pedestrian and bycicle use. It is meant to be elevated off the ground. It will automatically create pillars to support itself down to the elevation surface. You can control the thickness and frequency of the pillars with rule parameters. Height is controlled by manipulating the height of each graph segment. Note, this rule is meant to be used exclusively in CityEngine, not ArcGIS Pro.

Concept came from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) for their fall studio project.
You can see a video of it in action here: https://youtu.be/wOmVBl1I8mU
Give CityEngine a try with this free 30-day trial: http://bit.ly/EsriCETrialLink
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